Backscattering of Laser Light from Colloidal Silica

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Backscattering of Laser Light from Colloidal Silica

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Title: Backscattering of Laser Light from Colloidal Silica
Author: Nampoori, V P N; Litty, Irimpan; Dann, V J; Krishnan, B; Deepthy, A; Radhakrishnan, P
Abstract: Light-scattering experiments gained prominence as potential applications of quantum optics, nonlinear optics, and photon localization. The possibility of the realization of lasing action in random media has created much interest in the study of the coherent structure of the backscattered light from disordered media. Backscattering (BS) studies are carried out to analyze the possibilities of photon localization in colloidal silica. The scattering enhancement is best associated with the density of the scatterers. The width of the BS cone and, hence, the mean-free path is related to the concentration of the medium. The dependence of the photon wavelength on the possible characteristics of the scattering is presented.
Date: 2008

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