A fiber optic smart sensor for studying the setting characteristics of various grades of cement

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A fiber optic smart sensor for studying the setting characteristics of various grades of cement

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Title: A fiber optic smart sensor for studying the setting characteristics of various grades of cement
Author: Rajesh, M; Geetha, K; Sheeba, M; Radhakrishnan, P; Vallabhan, C P G; Nampoori, V P N
Abstract: A simple, effective and inexpensive fiber optic sensor for investigating the setting characteristics of various grades of cement is described. A finite length of unsheathed multimode optical fiber laid inside the cement mix, is subjected to stress during the setting process. The microbends created on the fiber due to this stress directly influence the intensity of light propagating through the fiber. Continuous monitoring of such variations in the light output transmitted through the fiber gives a clear measure of the setting characteristics of the cement mix, thus providing a simple and elegant technique of great practical importance in the field of civil engineering. The smart fiber optic sensor described above can be incorporated into a building during the construction process itself so that continuous monitoring of the deterioration process for the entire life time of the building can be carried out.
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/2417
Date: 2006-05

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