L-Glutaminase production by Marine Bacteria

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L-Glutaminase production by Marine Bacteria

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Title: L-Glutaminase production by Marine Bacteria
Author: Renu, S; Dr.Chandrasekaran,M
Abstract: L-glutaminases (L—glutamine amidohydrolase EC.3.5.l.2) is proposed as a prospective candidate for enzyme therapy cnf cancer and also as zui important additive during enzymatic digestion of shoyu koji since it could enhance glutamate content of soysauce. Commercial production of glutaminase could make possible its wide application in these areas, which would demand availability of potential sources and suitable fermentation techniques. The ‘present investigation highlighted marine environment as a potential source of efficient glutaminase producing bacteria mainly species of pseudomonas, aeromonas ,vibrio,alcaligenes, acinetobacter bacillus and planococci.Among them pseudomonas fluorescens ACMR 267 and v.cholerae ACMR 347 were chosen as the ideal strains for glutaminase production.Extracellular glutaminase fraction from all strains were in higher titres than intracellular enzymes during growth in mineral media, nutrient broth and nutrient broth added with glutamine.Glutaminase from all strains were purified employing (NH4)2SO4 fractionation followed tnr dialysis and ion exchange chromatography. The purified glutaminase from all strains were observed to be active and stable over a wide range of gfii and temperature.Optimization studies cflf environmental variables that normally influence time yiehi of glutaminase indicated that the optimal requirements of these bacteria for maximal glutaminase production remained stable irrespective of the medium, they are provided with for enzyme production. However, solid state fermentation technique was observed to be the most suitable process for the production of Glutaminase.
Description: Department of Applied Chemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology
URI: http://dyuthi.cusat.ac.in/purl/3106
Date: 1991-10

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