Studies on the ecology of zooplankton of cochin backwaters(a tropical estuary)

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Studies on the ecology of zooplankton of cochin backwaters(a tropical estuary)

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Title: Studies on the ecology of zooplankton of cochin backwaters(a tropical estuary)
Author: Madhupratap,M; Dr.Rao, T S S
Abstract: Ecology is the study of systems at a level in which individuals or whole organisms may be considered elements of interaction, either among themselves, or with a loosely organised environmental matrix. Systems at this level are named ecosystems, and ecology, of course, is the biology of ecosystems" (Hargalef, 1968). This thesis includes principally, a study on the ecology of zooplankton of the Cochin backwaters conducted during the years 1971-72. This monsoonal estuarine system is particularly interesting, since it exhibits a wide range of variations in its environmental conditions which is naturally reflected in the fauna also. Several publications on various aspects of its hydrobiology have come out in the recent past. But studies on the zooplankton of the estuary have mostly been discontinuous either in space or time or restricted to its groups
Description: School of marine sciences, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Date: 1976-08

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