Customary Laws of Lakshadweep Islands

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Customary Laws of Lakshadweep Islands

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Title: Customary Laws of Lakshadweep Islands
Author: Vijayakumar, V; Dr.Leelakrishnan, P
Abstract: The customary laws of Union Territory of Lakshadweep islands are a challenge for judicial institution as well as administrative machinery. With the peculiarities of socio-legal institutions, Lakshadweep system stands apart from the mainstream of legal systems in India. How far do the charismatic modernisation trends flowing into the Lakshadweep society affect the people already protected by the uncodified laws of the past? Many are the issues at this stage. This study analyses them. It examines the growth, evolution and development of the legal system in the islands vis-a-vis the administrative mechanism imposed by the mainland ethos and culture.
Description: School of Legal Studies, Cochin University of Science and Technology.
Date: 1999-08-17

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