Design of an Edge -coupled dual -ring Split-ring resonator

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Design of an Edge -coupled dual -ring Split-ring resonator

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Title: Design of an Edge -coupled dual -ring Split-ring resonator
Author: Mridula, S; Anju, Pradeep; Mohanan, P
Abstract: Electric permittivity and magnetic permeability control electromagnetic wave propagation th rough materials. I n naturally occu rring materials, these are positive. Artificial materials exhi b iting negative material properties have been reported : they are referred to as metamaterials. This paper concentrates on a ring-type split-ring resonator (SRR) exhibiting negative magnetic permeability. The design and synthesis of the SRR using the genetic-algorithm approach is explained in detail. A user-friendly g raphical user i nterface (G U I ) for an SRR optim izer and estimator using MATLAB TM is also presented
Description: IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 53, No. 4, August 20 1 1
Date: 2011-08

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