Mythili, P; Vijayakumari, C K(IEEE, January 3, 2012)
Combinational digital circuits can be evolved
automatically using Genetic Algorithms (GA). Until recently this
technique used linear chromosomes and and one dimensional
crossover and mutation operators. In this paper, a new method
for representing combinational digital circuits as 2 Dimensional
(2D) chromosomes and suitable 2D crossover and mutation
techniques has been proposed. By using this method, the
convergence speed of GA can be increased significantly
compared to the conventional methods. Moreover, the 2D
representation and crossover operation provides the designer
with better visualization of the evolved circuits. In addition to
this, a technique to display automatically the evolved circuits has
been developed with the help of MATLAB
Power, Signals, Controls and Computation (EPSCICON), 2012 International Conference on