Formation of carbon-encapsulated metallic nano-particles from metal acetylides by electron beam irradiation

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Formation of carbon-encapsulated metallic nano-particles from metal acetylides by electron beam irradiation

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Title: Formation of carbon-encapsulated metallic nano-particles from metal acetylides by electron beam irradiation
Author: Junaid, Bushiri M; Nishijo, J; Okabe, C; Kosugi, K; Nishi, N; Sawa, H
Abstract: Transition metal acetylides, MC2 (M=Fe, Co and Ni), exhibit ferromagnetic behavior of which TC is characteristic of their size and structure. CoC2 synthesized in anhydrous condition exhibited cubic structure with disordered C2− 2 orientation. Once being exposed to water (or air), the particles behave ferromagnetically due to the lengthening of the Co–Co distance by the coordination of water molecules to Co2+ cations. Heating of these particles induces segregation of metallic cores with carbon mantles. Electron beam or 193 nm laser beam can produce nanoparticles with metallic cores covered with carbon mantles
Description: Eur. Phys. J. D 34, 219–222 (2005)
Date: 2005-07-13

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