Geochemistry of core sediment from antarctic region

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Geochemistry of core sediment from antarctic region

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Title: Geochemistry of core sediment from antarctic region
Author: Manju, Nair P; Sujatha, C H; Akhil, P S
Abstract: Southern Ocean (SO) is the fourth largest Ocean comprising the southern portions of the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. Sediment core sample (660 34’S and 580 40’E)was collected onboard O.R.V Sagar Nidhi from January to March 2010 in the Fourth Southern Ocean expedition cruise launched by the National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, Goa . Sedimentary records from this area reveal the sensitivity and climatic variability’s of the region over a large time scale. Organic matter (OM) and textural behaviour of the samples were analyzed and processed concurrently. Distribution of OM, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Protein, Lipid and Carbohydrate along with the trace metal was highlighted. Textural variation was in the array of Sand >Clay >Silt. Sand content ranges from 30.29% to 80.11%. The order of relative distribution of OM was Lipid >Protein > TOC > Carbohydrate. The average concentrations of TOC, Protein, Lipid and Carbohydrate were 2.2 mg/g, 1.2 mg/g, 3.3 mg/g and 1.1mg/g respectively. Protein to carbohydrate ratio and lipid to carbohydrate ratio were also encountered to understand the respective freshness and nutritional quality of the sediments. Trace metal distribution showed the average concentration was maximum for Mn and minimum for Co.
Description: Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Vol.17(2) February (2013)
Date: 2013-02

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