This paper discusses the salient features associated with the variation in the BODs
and dissolved oxygen concentration in the Kadinamkulam Kayal based on fortnightly
data from two selected stations from October1987toSeptember1988.The BODs ranged
from 5.76 to 24.39 mg/l in the surface water and from 4.96 to 22.60mg!1 in the bottom
waterat station-l whereas at station-2, it ranged from 0 to 3.74mg/1 in the surface water
and from 0 to 3.40 mg!l in the bottom water. The dissolved oxygen concentration
ranged from 0 to 0.72 mglI in the surface water and from 0 to 0.42 mg!l in the bottom
waterat station-I, At station-2 it ranged from 2.69 to 6.21mg!1 in the surface waterand
from 1.97 to 5.74 mg!1 in the bottom water. The pre-monsoom period showed the
highest BODsof 16.68mg!I while the monsoon period showed the lowest of 0.61 mg!I.
The dissolved oxygen concentration reached its peak during the monsoon period (5.52
mg/I). Long spells of anoxic condition during the post and pre-monsoon periods was
a characteristic feature of the retting zone
Vol.23, No.2 (December), 1990, pp. 95-101
Bijoy, Nandan S; Sreedevi, O K; Jayachandran, P R(NATL INST SCIENCE COMMUNICATION-NISCAIR, April , 2012)
Present study focussed on the water quality status in relation to various anthropogenic activities in the Kodungallur-
Azhikode Estuary (KAE). Average depth of the estuary was 3.6 ± 0.2 m with maximum of 4.3 ± 0.4 m in the estuarine
mouth. Dissolved oxygen showed an average of 5.1±1 mg/l in the water column, whereas the highest BOD value was
noticed during monsoon period (3.1 ± 0.8 mg/l) which could be due to high organic enrichment in the water column. pH
displayed slightly alkaline condition in most of the stations and it varied from 7.2 ± 0.5 in Station 7 to 7.5 ± 0.5 in Station 1.
Salinity in the estuary displayed mixo-mesohaline nature with clear vertical stratification. High river discharge could have
resulted in nutrients and silt loading into the estuary, which makes a highly turbid water column particularly during the
monsoon period, which limits light penetration and subsequent primary productivity. Turbidity in the water column showed
an average of 20.2 ± 15.8 NTU. Estuary was nitrogen limited during post and pre monsoon periods. Nitrate-nitrogen content
in the estuarine water gave negative correlation with ammonia.
Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences
Vol. 41 (2), April 2012, pp. 180-187