Macrobenthos of the Shelf Waters of the West Coast of India

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Macrobenthos of the Shelf Waters of the West Coast of India

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Title: Macrobenthos of the Shelf Waters of the West Coast of India
Author: Joydas,T V; Damodaran,R
Abstract: The work was carried out with an objective to know the quantitative and qualitative nature of the macrobenthos in relation to the existing hydrographical parameters and sediment characteristics. With the above two cruises were conducted to collect materials. Representative samples were collected from each degree square of the western continental shelf. The study deals with the hydrographic parameters. The bottom water temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured. The findings showed variations according to depth and latitude. The study gives the details of sediment characteristics of the study area. 7 different types of substrata were noticed. It also explains the macro faunal composition and diversity, and the standing stock of macrobenthos. The wet-weight and numerical abundance of macrobenthic groups are included. The thesis discusses the relation between hydrography and macrobenthos, and sediment characteristics and macrobenthos, based on the results obtained by statistical analysis of the data. It also investigates the relation between macrobenthos and fishery.
Date: 2002

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