Soja,Louis; Ravindranatha Menon,N(School of marine sciences, 2006)
The study of bryozoans, an important group of coelomates in the marine environment is an integral part of faunistic investigations. Bryozones are an ancient, aberrant phylum of microscopic but fascinating and often beautiful animals that build intricate colonies sometimes resembling minicolonies. In this study taxonomy, bionomics and biofouling of bryozoans from the coasts of India and the Antarctic waters. The marine biofouling is found to be hazardous. Bryozoans are microscopic , sessile,colonical coelomates that are permanently fastened in exoskeletal cases or gelatinous material of their own secretion.It is hoped that this work would help the future researchers to devote attention on microbenthos of the continental shelf of India when samples are made available through collections conducted by any ocean going vessel. In the present work an extensive study on the bryozoan foulers that occur at five selected sites of the cochin estury had to be examined and since the hydrographic parameters such as salinity, temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen in the estury,vary greatly from that in the open ocean, a frequent monitoring of these parameters was essential.
Kandoran,M K; Dr.Samuel, C T(Cochin University of Science And Technology, March , 1986)
Curing is the oldest and cheapest method of preservation of fish allover the world. Fish curing
industry has not shown much improverrent from its primitive nature because this industry is mainly handled by illiterate and less educated fishermen/fisherwomen. They
do not know much about,the importance of scientific methods of fish curing. The cured fish produced by them is unhygienic and poor in quality. Because of the
negligenence and ignorance of the fish curers, a considerable quanti ty of this protein rich food is spoiled and lost every year. Research has been conducted extensively in the Cen tral and State sectors and various remedial measures have been suggested :to improve the fish curing industry in India. Inspi te of the preJudioa against cured fish because of their existing low quality,
research work in recent years have indicated that their quality can be greaUy improved and shelf-life prolonged if the me thods are standardised. To achieve this aim, Cen tral and s tate Departments have already made considerable efforts to transfer the improved methods ~ the fish curing industry by way of traininq courses, demonstrations, Lab, to Land Prograrrmesi film shows, exhibitions, personal discussion etc. As the result of this, fish curers have started adopting the improved practices in fish curing. Still there seems to be a considerable qap between the techmology available and the technology adopted in this field. A comprehensive study on the extent of adoption of improved practices in fish curing and the factors involved in low or non-adoption of certain aspects is lackin~ at present. This gap has to be filled up. The possihle methods for the effective transfer of technology for the production and distribution of high quali ty cured fish products and improvement of soclo-economic condition of fishermen engaqed in fish curing have to be identified.
School of marine sciences, Central institute of fisheries technology, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Ramachandran,K K; Dr.Seralathan, P(cusat, April 10, 1992)
The continental shelf of southwest coast of India (Kerala) is broader and . flatter compared to that of the east coast. The unique characteristic feature of the study area (innershelf between Narakkal and Purakkad) is the intermittent appearance of 'mud banks' at certain locations during southwest monsoon. The strong seasonality manifests significant changes in the wind, waves, currents, rainfall, drainage etc., along this area. Peculiar geomorphological variation with high, mid and lowlands in the narrow strip of the hinterland, the geological formations mainly consisting of rocks of metamorphic origin and the humid tropical weathering conditions play significant role in regulating the shelf sedimentation.
A complementary pattern of distri bution is observed for clay that shows an abundance in the nearshore. Silt, to a major extent, depicts semblance with clay distribution . Summation of the total asymmetry of grain size distribution are inferred from the variation of skewness and kurtosis.Factor I implies a low energy regime where the transportation and deposition phases are controlled mostly by pelagic suspension process as the factor loadings are dominant on finer phi sizes. The second Factor is inferred to be the result of a high energy regime which gives higher loadings on coarser size fractions. The third Factor which might be a transition phase (medium energy regime) representing the resultant flux of coastal circulation of the re-suspension/deposition and an onshoreoffshore advection by reworking and co-deposition of relict and modern sediments. The spatial variations of the energy regime based on the three end-member factor model exhibits high energy zone in the seaward portion transcending to a low energy one towards the coast.From the combined analysis of granulometry and SEM studies, it is concluded that the sandy patches beyond 20 m depth are of relict nature. They are the resultant responses of beach activity during the lower stand of sea level in the Holocene. Re-crystallisation features on the quartz grains indicate that they were exposed to subaerial weathering process subsequent to thei r deposition
Marine Science Division, Centre for Earth Science Studies,
The present study addresses to understand the sedimentological properties of the coasts of kodungallur and chellanam, central Kerala to bring out the relationship between the textural, mineralogical and geochemical characters with that of the respective environment. The grain size study of the beach ridge sediments from different pits has been investigated at close intervals, which enables to understand the grain size variations with depth. The sediment samples from various pits of the beach ridges indicate that the sediments range primarily from medium to very fine sand, well to moderately sorted, fine to coarse skewed and leptokurtic to platykurtic. The study area is considered as a prograding coast. Variations in grain size down the pit give three phases of beach building activities i.e.; a coarsening upward sequence in the bottom layers, a fining upward in the middle and coarsening upward in the top. Beach ridges are formed by swash built sediments with cross bedding and setting lag type sediments with seaward dipping/horizontal units.
Geochemical signatures in the study area have been brought out through the analysis of major and trace elements. Iron is significantly enriched and its control over many trace elements is evident. Copper, chromium, cobalt, lithium, lead and zinc show decreasing trend with depth, while sodium, potassium,strontium,nickel and organic carbon increases. The association of many trace elements with organic carbon has also been established. Dissolution of trace elements in anoxic environment, at depth and reprecipitation in the oxic layers, at near or subsurface, are the major mechanism that brought out the variation of certain environmentally sensitive elements
Santhosh,K R; Dr.Viswanadham,D V(Cochin University of Science and Technology, March , 1987)
Man's inadvertent interference with the
environment by way of indiscreL¢ industrflflization
has led to the deteriorating air quality in the recent
times. The search is on to find the remedies to
confine the air pollution levels with in their thershold
limits. Theoretical studies play A crucial role in the
control and for abatment of air pollution. Improper
siting of industry is one of the most common reasons
for the increased levels of air pollution in urban
environments. A proper and effective ecological planning
is an essential first step for any region in order to
reduce the effects of air pollution. By means of
theoretical models one can obtain the pollutant distribution
in any urban area, provided the necessary data
are available with the help of which the sites for new
industries could be suggested, given the emission
inventory. Studies on air pollution meteorology serve
and aid the planners to initate remedial actions to
bring down the levels of pollution and also to out—line
the control strategy. In the present thesis some
theoretical studies on air pollution meteorology over
South India are made. The thesis is divided into
six chapters
Physical Oceanography and Meteorology Division
School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science And Technology
Bindu, J; Dr. Srinivasa Gopal, T K(Cochin University of Science and Technology., March , 2009)
This study is the first of its kind in India, where in smoked and thermal
processed products have been developed using locally available wood as the
source of wood smoke and flavoring and a shelf life of one year has been
achieved. Retortable pouches of three layers, both imported and indigenous
were found suitable to store thermal processed products. Heat penetration rate is
quicker in retort pouches due to their thin profile in comparison to cans and
hence the total process time is lesser. The nutritional and sensory attributes of
the pouch products are better retained during processing. Hence these products
are more acceptable than canned products. lndian vegetarian food products and
fish curry products are available in the ready to eat form in the markets. Smoked
and thermal processed products have not gained an entry to the market and
hence this study will pave an opening for such products. Currently trade in tuna
products from India is meager compared to the global trade. ln India proper
utilization of tuna resources is yet to be achieved due to the lack of infrastructure
for handling and knowledge of value addition. The raw material cost is also less
due to the poor quality of the fish when landed. Hence, the availability of such
products will help in the trade of tuna products, improving the quality of raw
material landing and ultimately realizing a better value to the fishermen and
Hareeshkumar, P V; Dr.Basil, Mathew(Cochin University of Science And Technology, January , 1992)
The Arabian Sea is an area of complex air-sea interaction
processes with seasonal reversing monsoons. The associated
thermohaline variability in the upper layers appears to
control the large scale monsoon flow which is not yet
completely understood.
The variability in the thermohaline fields is known to
occur in temporal domain ranging from intra-diurnal to
inter-annual time scales and on spatial domains of few tens of
kilometers to few thousands of kilometers. In the Arabian Sea
though the surface temperature was routinely measured by both
conventional measurements and satellites, the corresponding
information on the subsurface thermohaline field is very
sparse due to the lack cw adequate measurements. In such
cases the numerical models offer promise in providing
information on the subsurface features given an initial
thermohaline field and surface heat flux boundary conditions.
This thesis is an outcome of investigations carried out
on the various aspects of the thermohaline variability on
different time scales. In addition to the description of the
mean annual cycle. the one dimensional numerical models of
Miller (1976) and Price et a1 (1986) are utilised to simulate
the observed mixed layer characteristics at selected locations
in the Arabian Sea on time scales ranging from intra-diurnal
to synoptic scales under variable atmospheric forcing.
Shivaprasad,Amaravayal; Dr.Revichandran,C(Cochin University Of Science And Technology, May , 2013)
Hydrodynamic characteristics of an estuary resulting from
interaction of tide and river runoff are important since problems
regarding flood, salinity intrusion, water quality, ecosystem and sedimentation are ubiquitous. The present study focuses on such
hydrodynamic aspects in the Cochin estuary.
Most of the estuaries that come under the influence of Indian
Summer Monsoon and for which the salinity is never in a steady
state at any time of the year are generally shallow and convergent,
i.e. the width decreases rapidly from mouth to head. In contrast,
Cochin estuary is wider towards the upstream and has no typical
river mouth, where the rivers are joining the estuary along the length
of its channel .Adding to the complexity it has dual inlets and the
tidal range is 1 m which is lower than other Indian estuaries along
west coast. These typical physical features lead to its unique
hydrodynamic characteristics. Therefore the thesis objectives are: I)
to study the influence of river runoff on tidal propagation using
observations and a numerical model ii) to study stratification and
property distributions in Cochin estuary iii) to understand salinity
distributions and flushing characteristics iv) to understand the
influence of saltwater barrage on tides and salinity v) To evaluate
several classification schemes for the estuary
National Institute of Oceanography, Regional centre, Cochin- 18
Prabhudeva,K N; Dr.Ravindranatha Menon,N(Cochin University of Science and Technology, August , 1987)
In this thesis certain important aspects of heavy metal toxicity have been worked out. Recent studies have clearly shown that when experimental media contained more than one heavy metals, such metals could conspicuously influence the toxic reaction of the animals both in terms of quantity and nature. The experimental results available on individual metal toxicity show that, in majority of such results, unrealistically high concentrations of dissolved metals are involved. A remarkable number of factors have been shown to influence metal toxicity such as various environmental factors particularly temperature and salinity, the condition of the organism and the ability of some of the marine organisms to adapt to metallic contamination. Further, some of the more sensitive functions like embryonic and larval development, growth and fecundity, oxygen utilization and the function of various enzymes are found to be demonstrably sensitive in the presence of heavy metals. However, some of the above functions could be compensated for by adaptive process. If it is assumed that the presence of a single metal in higher concentrations could affect the life function of marine animals, more than one metal in the experimental media should manifest such effects in a greater scale. Commonly known as synergism or more than additivity, majority of heavy metals bring about synergistic reaction .The work presented in this thesis comprises lethal and sublethal toxicities of different salt forms of copper and silver on the brown mussel Perna indica. during the present investigation sublethal concentrations of copper and silver in their dent effects on survival, oxygen consumption, filtration, accumulation and depuration on Perna indica. The results are presented under different sections to make the presentation meaningful .
Division of Marine
Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Asha, M R; Dr.Kuttyamma, V J(Cochin University of Science and Technology, 2001)
Asha M. R
This thesis Entitled Toxicological effects of copper and mercury on the fish macerones gulio
(hamiloton – buchanan).Chapter 1. In this chapter, a broad outline of heavy metal uptake, requirement of a suitable bio — monitoring organism, criteria for a standard test fish, and suitability of Macrones
gulig for the toxicological study are given. Chapter 2. This chapter deals with the lethal toxicity bioassays to find the 96 hr LC 50 of copper and mercury for the fish Macrones gglig. The experimental results indicated that of the two metals tested, copper was more toxic than mercury.Chapter 3. The effect of copper and mercury on the haemoglobin, haematocrit, erythrocyte count, MCV, MCH and MCHC was studied.Chapter 4. The glycogen and protein contents of liver and muscle after exposure to copper and mercury were studied. There was a significant decrease of glycogen in the liver and muscle of metal treated fishes.Chapter 5. The histopathological changes of the tissues like liver, kidney and gill after exposure to copper and mercury were studied.
School of
Marine Sciences, Department of Marinebiology, Microbiology and Biochemistry, Cochin University of Science and Technology