Shassi, S; Dr.Ramachandran,A(Cochin University of Science and Technology, October , 1998)
Quality related problems have become dominant in the seafood processing industry in Kerala. This has resulted in the rejection of seafood sent from India to many destinations. The latest being the total block listing of seafood companies from India from being exported to Europe and partial block listing by the US. The quality systems prevailed in the seafood industry in India were outdated and no longer in use in the developed world. According to EC Directive discussed above all the seafood factories exporting to European countries have to adopt HACCP. Based on this, EIA has now made HACCP system mandatory in all the seafood processing factories in India. This transformation from a traditional product based inspection system to a process control system requires thorough changes in the various stages of production and quality management. This study is conducted by the author with to study the status of the existing infrastructure and quality control system in the seafood industry in Kerala with reference to the recent developments in the quality concepts in international markets and study the drawbacks, if any, of the existing quality management systems in force in the seafood factories in Kerala for introducing the mandatory HACCP concept. To assess the possibilities of introducing Total Quality Management system in the seafood industry in Kerala in order to effectively adopt the HACCP concept. This is also aimed at improving the quality of the products and productivity of the industry by sustaining the world markets in the long run.
School of Industrial Fisheries, Cochin University of Science and Technology
Varghese,Oommen P; Dr.Dinamani, P(Cochin University of Science and Technology, 1975)
Three species of cephalopod molluacs collected from the waters in and around cochin area of the Arabian Sea, of south India formed the subject of the present study. The Species are loligo duvauceli, _Sepia_ aculeata and sepiella inermis, their food and feeding habits, morphology and
histology of the gut as well as the physiology of digestion have been described
Department of Marine Science, Cochin University of Science & Technology
Hashim, M; Dr.Pillai,N G K(Cochin University of Science and Technology, May , 2012)
This thesis Entitled distribution ,diversity and biology of deep-sea fishes the indian Eez.Fishing rights and responsibilities it entails in the deep-sea sector has been a vexed issue since the mid-nineties and various stakeholders have different opinion on the modalities of harnessing the marine fisheries wealth, especially from the oceanic and deeper waters. The exploitation and utilization of these esources requires technology development and upgradation in harvest and post-harvest areas; besides shore infrastructure for berthing, handling, storing and processing facilities. At present, although deep-sea fishes don’t have any ready market in our country it can be converted into value added products.
Many problems have so far confronted the deep-sea fishing sector not allowing it to reach its full potential. Hence, there should be a sound deep-sea fishing policy revolving round the upgradation of the capabilities of small scale fishermen, who have the inherent skills but do not have adequate support to develop themselves and to acquire vessels having the capability to operate in farther and deeper waters. Prospects for the commercial exploitation and utilization of deep-sea fishes were analyzed using SWOL analysis.
Nifty, John; Dr. Mohamed Hatha, A.A(Cochin University of Science & Technology, April , 2014)
The thesis deals with the prevalence and distribution of motile aeromonads in selected ornamental fishes. The presence of motile aeromonads in ornamental fishes and associated carriage water is well documented. Though aeromonads are a part of autochthonous flora of natural waters, disease outbreak occurs as a result of
environmental stress on the cultured species and virulence of the pathogens.
While ornamental aquaculture in many parts of the world is highly organized and
practiced scientifically, it is highly unorganized in India. The culture ponds/tanks
are often maintained in very poor manner and the fishes are subjected to high
degree of stress during transportation from the production facility to retail
vendors. The situation is no better at retail outlets, where fishes are maintained in
crowded condition without proper aeration or food. All these could result in high
prevalence of diseases caused by motile aeromonads. No systematic study has been carried out to understand the prevalence of motile aeromonads in ornamental fishes and carriage water . It also gives an account of the production of extracellular virulence factors and the antibiogram of the different species of motile aeromonads isolated. The growth characteristics and virulence potential of a representative strain of Aeromonas hydrophila is also studied. The nucleotide sequencing of the strain was carried out and sequences deposited in Genbank. Survival and immune response of Cyprinus carpio under different stress conditions and on probiotic treatment with Bacillus NL110, when challenged with A. hydrophila is also dealt within this thesis.
Sheeba,P; Sarala Devi,K(National Institute of Oceanography, 2000)
The study revealed stress and localized impact of industrial waste on the biota, predominance of stress tolerant species and low diversity in the vicinity of the effluent discharge point. These studies on impact of environmental parameters on the distribution of macrobenthos thus indicate the quantum of endurance warranted by the infauna to tide over the wide range of environmental stress. Low diversity and lower number of benthic fauna near discharge site can be attributed to the stress caused by cumulative toxic effects of effluents. The results of the physico-chemical parameters highlight the effects of pollution. The results of the study indicated the changes due to the large-scale movements of the estuarine water under the influence of tide, monsoon and land runoff coupled with its heterogenous nature owing to the effluent discharge from the industries
Joseph, P V; Jacob,Chacko(Department of Chemical Oceanography, 2002)
The proposed study is an attempt to quantify and study the seasonal and spatial variations in the distribution of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb among the various geochemical phases in the surficial sediments of Chitrapuzha river. The study also estimates the concentration of heavy metals in dissolved, particulate and sediments and their variation in seasonal and spatial distribution. Chitrapuzha River originates as a small stream from the upper reaches of high ranges in the eastern boundary of Kerala, passes through the valley and finally joints in the Cochin backwaters. Numerous industrial units located along the banks of the river discharge treated and untreated effluents into the water. These are long standing local complaints about water pollution causing fish mortality and serious damage to agricultural crops resulting in extensive unemployment in the area. The river is thus of considerable social and economic importance.
Sabu,P; Dr.Revichandran,C(Cochin University of Science & Technology, January , 2009)
The present study
examines the importance of low saline waters and resulting barrier layer
in the dynamics of the ASWP using observational data.The oceanic general circulation models (OGCM) are very useful for
exploring the processes responsible for the ASWP and their variability.
The circulation and thermohaline structure stimulated by an OGCM
changes a lot when the resolution is increased from mesoscale to macro
scale. For a reasonable simulation of the ASWP, we must include the
mesoscale turbulence in numerical models. Especially the SEAS is an
eddy prominent region with a horizontal dimension of 100 to 500 km and
vertical extent of hundred meters. These eddies may have an important
role on the evolution of ASWP, which has not been explored so far.Most of the earlier studies in the SEAS showed that the heat buildup
in the mixed layer during the pre-monsoon (March-May) is primarily
driven by the surface heat flux through the ocean-atmosphere interface,
while the 3-dimensional heat budget of the ML physical processes that are
responsible for the formation of the ASWP are unknown. With this
background the present thesis also examines the relative importance of
mixed layer processes that lead to the formation of warm pool in the
Jayaraj,K A; Saramma,U Pananpunnayil(National institute of oceanography, 2006)
In this study dynamics of infaunal benthic community of the continental shelf of north-eastern Arabian sea. The benthic (under water sea) organisms play an important role in the marine food chain. It can be concluded that seasonal differences in the benthic community was observed in lower depths and absent in deeper depths. Increased richness and diversity during pre-monsoon may be related to the increased primary production which inturn influenced by the increased nutrient input due to winter convection. No single ecological factor could be considered as a master factor. In general the area supports moderately high benthic production and diversified community.
Babu, V; Dr.Muraleedharan Nair, S(Cochin University Of Science And Technology, June , 2001)
The tremendous growth in industrial production and the consequent
improving in the standards of living have provoked worldwide discussion on
environmental quality. The question of abusive use of pesticides for crop protection
and vector control programmes is only one aspect of this entire complex. Inspite of
this, tendentious publications such as Rachel Carson’s Silent spring have brought
crop protection into the foreground of environmental discussions. The persistence
and high stability of organochlorine pesticides are regarded as problematic and the
accumulation of pesticides residues and its metabolites in the different
compartments of the environment is one of the major concerns. Because of their
persistence in the aquatic environment and biomagnifications in food chain, the
continuous use of pesticides will have wider implications not only in aquatic
environmental quality but also on human health. The residual levels of these
persistent chemicals exceed their permissible limits, and get partitioned among the
constituent phases of the aquatic systems. Crop protection is only part of the
agricultural economy and in agriculture itself has led to the most fundamental
changes in the human environment. So, in all areas of life one must weigh the
desired advantages against possible disadvantages.
The proposed thesis is based on the investigations on the distributions of
organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in the waters and sediments of
Kuttanad backwaters. Kuttanad, a unique agricultural area, which forms the
southern part of the Vembanad lake, is a deltaic formation of four river systems
entering the southern part of the Cochin estuary. No systematic study has ever been
done to assess the ecotoxicological impact of these diverse chemicals and their
metabolites in Kuttanad area. So, a detailed systematic and rigorous investigation
on the distributions of these persistent chemicals is carried out.
The thesis is divided into 7 Chapters
Department of Chemical
Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science and
Sujatha, C H; Dr.Jacob, Chacko(Cochin University of Science and Technology, July , 1992)
Industrial pollutants, consisting of heavy metals, petroleum residues, petrochemicals, and a wide spectrum of pesticides, enter the marine environment on a massive scale and pose a very serious threat to all forms of aquatic life. Although, earlier, efforts were directed towards the identification of pollutants and their major sources, because of a growing apprehension about the potential harm that pesticides can inflict upon various aquatic fauna and flora, research on fundamental and applied aspects of pesticides in the aquatic environment has mushroomed to a point where it has become difficult to even keep track of the current advances and developments. The Cochin Estuarine System (CES), adjoining the Greater Cochin area, receives considerable amounts of domestic sewage, urban wastes, agricultural runoff as well as effluent from the
industrial units spread all along its shores. Since preliminary investigations revealed that the most prominent of organic pollutants discharged to these estuarine waters were the pesticides, the present study was designed to analyse the temporal and spatial distribution profile of some of the more toxic, persistent pesticides ——— organochlorines such as DDT and their metabolites; HCH-isomers; a cyclodiene compound," Endosulfan and a widely distributed, easily degradable,
organophosphorus compound, Malathion, besides investigating their sorptional and toxicological characteristics.
Although, there were indications of widespread contamination of various regions of the CBS with DDT, HCH-isomers etc., due to inadequacies of the monitoring programmes and due to a glaring void of baseline data the causative factors could not identified authentically. Therefore, seasonal and spatial distributions of some of the more commonly used pesticides in the CES were monitored systematically, (employing Gas Chromatographic techniques) and the results are analysed.
Oceanography Division, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University
of Science and Technology